U.S. Marines stand at parade rest Feb. 20, 2009, during a Navy Cross ceremony in honor of two fallen Camp Lejeune Marines, Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, and Cpl. Jonathan Yale, in Quantico, Va. U.S. Secretary of the Navy Dr. Donald C. Winter presented the awards at a ceremony at the National Museum of the Marine Corps. Haerter and Yale posthumously received the Navy Cross for actions in April 2008. They are credited with saving the lives of many U.S. Marines and Iraqi police.
Early Bird summary
Thursday’s Early Bird leads with a story from the New York Times reporting that falling revenues are threatening stability and rebuilding in Iraq. According to the piece, last summer, with oil prices above $100 a barrel, Iraq was so flush with cash that many in the United States were arguing that a country so rich should be paying for its own reconstruction and possibly even reimbursing American taxpayers.Six months later, the question is whether a decline in Iraqi government revenues, which depend almost entirely on oil, could threaten the relative security and stability won here at the cost of so much American treasure and life. Indeed, political pressure is rising here, as more Iraqis demand precisely the services, like better electricity, water and education, that could now come more slowly.
The New York Times also reports that President Obama’s planned Iraq troop drawdown would leave the bulk of American forces in place until early next year while some combat units would remain in place in new roles even beyond a declared August 2010 target for withdrawal, administration officials said Wednesday.The plan would maintain relatively high troop levels through Iraq’s parliamentary elections, to be held in December, before beginning in earnest to meet the August 2010 target for removing combat forces, the officials said. Even after August 2010, as many as 50,000 of the 142,000 troops now in Iraq would remain, including some combat units reassigned as “Advisory Training Brigades” or “Advisory Assistance Brigades,” the administration and Pentagon officials said.
The Washington Post reports that about two-thirds of Americans support President Obama's decision to send approximately 17,000 additional U.S. military forces to Afghanistan, and, in stark contrast to the sour public reception of former president George W. Bush's "surge" of troops in Iraq, support for Obama's move crosses party lines, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.Support for the proposed influx of troops to Afghanistan, however, comes as Americans are about evenly divided about whether the war there has proved to be worth its costs. They also split 50 to 41 percent on whether it is essential to win in Afghanistan to succeed in broader efforts against terrorism.
The New York Times reports that, as part of its buildup in Afghanistan, the Pentagon plans to deploy billions of dollars in heavily armored vehicles, spy planes, jamming technology and even experimental ground-penetrating radar to defend troops from increasingly lethal roadside bombs.More than 175 American and allied troops were killed by roadside bombs in Afghanistan last year, more than twice as many as the year before, and American commanders say the 17,000 extra troops ordered to Afghanistan by President Obama last week will offer additional targets.While improvised roadside bombs have been a greater threat in Iraq, the Taliban-led insurgency has begun to use them on a wider scale in Afghanistan. Four American soldiers died Tuesday in an attack involving an improvised explosive device, or I.E.D., in southern Afghanistan, where most of the new American troops are headed. On Wednesday, three British soldiers patrolling in southern Afghanistan were killed by an explosive device.
The London Daily Telegraph reports that the governor of Helmand has called for more British and American troops to be sent to the Afghan province's poorly-defended southern border with Pakistan.Gulab Mangal said an increase in foreign soldiers in the violent south of Helmand would help to improve security in the lead-up to the the presidential elections due to be held in a few months' time.
Leon E. Panetta, the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency, said Wednesday that the agency’s campaign against militants in Pakistan’s tribal areas was the “most effective weapon” the Obama administration had to combat Al Qaeda’s top leadership, according to the New York Times.The C.I.A. in recent months has intensified its covert campaign of missile attacks in the tribal areas, carrying out more than 30 strikes against Qaeda and Taliban leaders from drone aircraft. Mr. Panetta stopped short of directly acknowledging the missile strikes, but he said that “operational efforts” focusing on Qaeda leaders had been successful.
USA Today says top Pentagon generals and admirals had to sign a letter promising to keep defense budget details secret if they wanted to work on the military's fiscal plan, Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said Wednesday.Defense Secretary Robert Gates set the rule, requiring for the first time that each military and civilian official helping prepare the budget sign a non-disclosure statement.The entire Joint Chiefs of Staff signed, promising not to leak information while the budget was being put together. Gates also signed, as did all the high-ranking civilian defense officials working on the budget document, Morrell said.President Obama is set to submit his budget to Congress today.
President Barack Obama will sketch out a robust U.S. military budget for next year totaling $537 billion, a senior Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives said on Wednesday to Reuters.Obama is scheduled to release on Thursday an outline of his budget proposal for fiscal 2010, which begins on October 1.Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat who oversees defense spending in the House, told Reuters that "$537 billion will be the base budget" for the Pentagon.But he added that he was not sure whether the $537 billion would include any money the Pentagon is expected to need to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan next year.
Washington Times reports that Russia has intercepted an attempt by a group of naval officials to smuggle $18 million worth of anti-submarine missiles and aviation bombs from Russia to China, officials said Wednesday.Russia's chief military prosecutor, Sergei Fridinsky, said the navy officials and some businessmen brought 30 anti-submarine missiles and 200 aviation bombs into Tajikistan for onward sale to China. The ammunition was detained in Tajikistan.
Media summary
1. Leading newspaper headlines: Everybody leads with President Obama's decision to put some money in a piggy bank. (Slate Magazine)
Leading newspaper headlines
Everybody leads with President Obama's decision to put some money in a piggy bank. In the budget proposal that will be released today, Obama will announce that he wants to start his promised overhaul of America's health care system by creating a $634 billion reserve fund over the next 10 years that will be paid for by increasing taxes on the wealthy and cutting government spending. At the center of the plan is a call to gradually reduce the value of itemized deductions that those in the highest tax brackets can take for things like mortgage interest and charitable contributions. Separately, Obama will also propose to extend his tax cuts for most Americans and pay for them with the revenue he would get from polluting industries. These two proposals, combined with Obama's stated goal of rolling back some of the Bush administration's tax cuts, add up to "a pronounced move to redistribute wealth by reimposing a larger share of the tax burden on corporations and the most affluent taxpayers," declares the New York Times.
USA Today calls the $634 billion reserve fund "a big step toward extending health coverage to 46 million uninsured and subsidizing premiums for others who have insurance." But the administration made it clear it was just the first step, and most papers cite an administration official who characterized it as a "very substantial down payment" on Obama's health care goal. The plan contains few details on how the money would be used. "Rather, the president's proposal to raise revenue is intended to signal his seriousness about moving the talks forward on Capitol Hill," notes the Los Angeles Times. The Washington Post points out that this "strategy is largely intended to avoid the mistakes of the Clinton administration, which crafted an extensive proposal in secret for many months before delivering the finished product to lawmakers, who quickly rejected it." The proposal to raise taxes is expected to create a huge ruckus in Congress, and one of the key questions will be "whether a change to the deductions formula would discourage charitable giving among the wealthy," says the Wall Street Journal.
The proposal to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans involves reducing the value of tax deductions by about 20 percent for families making more than $250,000 a year or thereabouts. For those of us who aren't used to getting big deductions, the NYT does the best job of explaining the logic behind it and what it means. The way the tax law is written, those in a higher tax bracket get a bigger deduction in their tax liability. So, for example, someone in the 35 percent bracket gets a bigger reduction for having $10,000 in itemized deductions than someone who is in the 28 percent bracket, which the White House says is unfair. Republicans obviously oppose this move, saying that it would hit many small businesses.
The change in itemized deductions would provide about half of the money for the reserve fund. Where's the rest coming from? The biggest chunk would come from a proposal to cut payments the government makes to insurance companies that provide care for those in Medicare under what is known as Medicare Advantage. Obama also wants to cut costs by reducing the amount that Medicare pays hospitals with high re-admission rates, a move that is part of a broad plan to improve care. In addition, wealthier Medicare beneficiaries would be asked to pay more to receive the program's prescription-drug coverage.
In the 10-year budget Obama will release tomorrow, he will also note that he wants to pay to extend the tax cuts for low and middle-income Americans with some of the billions the government will get from the "cap and trade" program that has been a centerpiece of the president's platform. The program would basically require companies to buy permits if they want to exceed limits on pollution emissions. "Cap-and-trade is code for increasing taxes and killing American jobs," said House Republican Leader John Boehner, "and that's the last thing we need to do during these troubled economic times." The program wouldn't be instituted until 2012, at which point the administration expects the recession to be over.
The WP is all over Obama's budget and dedicates three separate front-page stories to the issue. In one blunt piece, the WP declares that the president's budget not only assumes that lawmakers can resolve some issues that have been plaguing them for years but also "relies on a few well-worn budget tricks." In his big speech before Congress, Obama said his administration "already identified $2 trillion in savings," but the truth is that about half of those are really tax increases. And much of the rest "comes from measuring Obama's plans against an unrealistic scenario in which the Iraq war continues to suck up $170 billion a year forever," details the Post. Although everyone says that Obama has successfully eschewed some common budget tricks that previous administrations were fond of, the plan isn't quite free of what the paper calls "budgetary maneuvers."
Considering the numbers he's starting out with, many are saying that Obama's goal of halving the deficit by the end of his first term isn't very ambitious. The Congressional Budget Office recently said the deficit could be cut in half by 2013 simply by winding down the Iraq war and allowing some tax cuts to expire. Not everyone agrees. In an analysis piece inside, the LAT says that halving the deficit won't be an easy task and may end up costing Obama dearly. Some of the methods Obama said he will use to follow through "have fallen short in the past" and, perhaps more importantly, "Congress is not ready to mend its free-spending ways." The huge spending bill that the House passed yesterday increases expenditures by 8 percent and is full of earmarks from both sides of the aisle.
What is undoubtedly ambitious is Obama's agenda, which "amounts to a long work order for a legislature that has seen its productivity sag in recent years," notes the Post. The young president is basically asking Congress to pass one huge piece of legislation about once a month. Many Democrats are getting nervous that the huge expectations Obama is creating could result in a big defeat in the 2010 midterm elections if it turns out they can't follow through.
At least Democrats can take heart that one of the GOP's rising stars has lost some of his shine. Both the NYT and LAT go inside with the searing criticism that was heaped on Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal for his response to Obama's speech, much of it from members of his own party. Many said the 37-year-old governor, who is seen as a possible presidential contender in 2012, failed in both message and delivery. Still, many caution against writing him off just because of one speech. "It was a disaster," said Paul Begala, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, "but you can come back from disaster."
The LAT fronts, and everyone covers, a new study that concluded it doesn't matter what diet people choose to follow as long as they cut calories. In the largest study of its kind, researchers tested several popular weight-loss methods for two years and found that all the participants lost and regained the same amount of weight. The study's authors say it shows that people should choose whichever diet they can stick to the longest. "There isn't any one way," one expert said. "That is the nice thing about none of these diets in particular winning."
You know that plush and soft toilet paper you love so much? Well, hope you enjoy it, because you're killing lots of trees in the process, notes the NYT. It costs about the same to make toilet tissue from recycled material, but it's not as soft and so is much less popular in the United States. Environmental groups say they will begin a push to educate Americans on the effects of their love for the soft stuff.
The WP's David Broder writes that Obama's speech on Tuesday "was a dramatic reminder of the unbelievable stakes he has placed on the table in his first month in office." Veteran lawmakers know how difficult it is to get one ambitious piece of legislation through Congress, but on Tuesday they heard how Obama wants them to overhaul energy, health care, and education. Oh yeah, and there's that little problem with the economy and some wars being fought on foreign soil. "Is he naïve? Does he not understand the political challenge he is inviting?" writes Broder. "When we elected Obama, we didn't know what a gambler we were getting."